Finding the Father in the songs of our generation...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

There's A Song In There

"There's a song in there" I say and I hear my son groan softly in the seat beside me. He knows what's coming, my singing some snippet of a song to punctuate a point I'm making, he having to endure my off-key rendition of some '60s tune he's never heard before. And I chuckle…But that tune reinforces my point, which is why I love to sing it. Somehow the lyrical melody and the message of the words meld together into something meaningful, memorable. There's insight and truth in the songs we sing.

I first came to know the reality of God and felt His loving embrace in the early 80s. It was a time of backward masking and breaking "secular records", of eschewing the world's music and finding the wonder of Christian rock. (Hey man, I still love Petra!) But I've since learned that if we listen, we can hear Him speaking in the world around us, communicating His love, His longing for us, His truth, in a most surprising place, the songs of our generation. Because ultimately He desires relationship with us. He calls to our heart, He woos us, He speaks our language in the songs of our life.

He hides Himself in plain site for us to find. And He invites us to discover Him. To discover His infinite love and beauty, His redemption and His grace and in the process, we discover our true selves. How He loves us, who He created us to be. It might be a bumpy road. We might find ourselves in unfamiliar territory. We may walk down low valley roads or climb mountain highs, we might cross rivers wide. But He's worth it. Will you take the journey with me?

Ain't No Mountain High Enough